Hi there :] My name is Isabella Marie Jones, otherwise known as Ellie. ♥ I'm 16 & I'm dangerous. I like getting things pierced without telling my mother. ;] I am in love with an amazing boy named Chandler. ♥ If you want to know more, read on my friends.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Alrighty. So, I have some major news. My best friend, Remy Miller, IS PREGNANT. She just told me. Were at our annual cheerleader sleep-over. (Don’t judge me on that, by the way.) I can’t believe it. Oh, my goodness gracious. This is insane. I can’t even put this into words right now. And shes going to church tomorrow. Oh, gee. She’ll probably get shocked by lightning. Can that happen? Or is that just in movies? Whatever. Shes going to sleep at my house because her parents kicked her out. How horrible is that? Its so bad. Shes crying right now, so I’m going to comfort her. Please pray for her, and her baby. ♥

Friday, September 23, 2011

Me at the game Friday:) On Top.
      Knock Knock. Who's there? You suck. You suck who? Me? SOMEONE SAID THAT TO ME TODAY. IT WAS GREAT. That's how you get a girl. I was all like FUCK YES. Too bad I have an amazing boyfriend. But anyway, to the left is a photo of me cheering last week. ♥ It was great. It was the best football game ever. 

     So I decided my favorite celebrity couple is Jelena. Yes, Justin & Selena. They are just adorable. There amazing together. I know everyone is all like "There fake. There pretending" BUT IDFC. They are great together. :} Just letting you know.

     So, I had to get a job. So that I could buy myself a car. :] And I started working at Starbucks. It's GREAT. I get free coffee and I get to talk to people, there are a lot of people that come in during the day. And it's great. :) And that is just dandy. So I work tomorrow and I will probably write some then. Mostly because it's at 9am. And that fucking sucks.

Me & My Friend Kylie
     And also, I wanted to give a shout-out to my new friend Kayleigh (@KaysKnoxville) Who is great. :) Shes such a sweetheart and so pretty, too. I adore her and you, my dear readers should get to know her more. ♥ You'll love her. Hehe.

     Wellll I guess that's all, I guess. I hope you enjoyed this. I'll be back later. Love to you all, my beautiful readers & tweethearts. 

Xoxo, Ellie. ♥

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Sorry I've been so MIA, but it's Thursday night and I decided to blog a bit. I'm watching Desperate Housewives right now and its super depressing. :p Everyone either dies, has an affair, or has sex. Its GREAT. :} But I do have another obsession, I'm sure you've heard of it. Glee. It came back on and I re-fellinlove! Its amazing. Rachel & Kurt sang "The Wicked Witch Is Dead" and I went upstairs and downloaded the song. Now I dance around my room singing it xD It's great. And they also did an 80's thing. Which is what our cheerleading team is doing at the games every Friday. But the stupid color guard keeps messing up. Were all like "SHUT THE FUCK UP". Anyway, Remy says hello. Shes doing well. ♥ It's super hot in this room. I'll write again tomorrow after the football game. Hehe, I'm so excited. We get to wear our uniforms all day at school :} NO SCHOOL UNIFORMS. Kay, thats all I've got. TATA. Xoxo, Ellie Marie Jones. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Were all chilling out at my house today after football & cheerleading practice.♥
I'm not addicted to twitter. I only tweet when I have time. Lunch time, break time, this time, that time, any time, all the time.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

False Hope

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they go right. You believe lies you so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." -Marilyn Monroe. 
 People suck. Thats that. High school sucks. You never know who you can trust. You look around at the people you call your friends, and you'll see a bunch of people who worry about what they do, wear, eat, and say every second of the day. Because people never stop worrying about what other people think. There shallow & stupid. And I'm one of them. Everyone is a back-stabbing, lying, cheating bitch. And they don't care about you at all. They just want to be popular, because in high school, and life, popularity is everything.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I fell down.

Im drunk. ♥

I love you guys!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


So it turns out, its ILLEGAL.

K, Im over being sad because I'm so over it.

I'm going to fucking party!


♥Shaking I Stand♥

So, I have my phone with me & I'm worried so much about that guy texting me. I never saw how much hurt someone can cause. I'm so nervous & scared. Everything is blurry & I'm shaking. I feel awful. My adorable friends are taking me out, so I've got to go get ready. I'll be back in a bit, guys. ♥ Love you all.

Xo, Ellie.

Friday, September 9, 2011

It Gets Better ...

So, I wanted to take a second to be a little serious. I was reading my tweets and blog posts, and I realized that you could assume that I am popular. I wanted to clarify that. I am so not. I am so weird & I irritate people to there fucking shitting ends and they fucking hate me. That's what I do, I'm so fine with it. I just wanted to tell you guys that I am being fucking bullied. So, I had a boy friend that was like long distance & shit. And I fucked & sent him some naked photos (Get over it. Go fuck yourself, bro.) And now hes fucking black mailing me. Its fucking shit. And he keeps fucking texting me! GOD DAMN. SO my point is, that everyone gets bullied. I found a website, and I wrote an email! It was yourlifeyourvoice. It is amazing. If you are like having issues & shit & don't want to tell your friends, write a diary, blog, or email. ♥ Alright. I might make a happy blog next. Kay, love you guys!

Xo, Ellie.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


please excuse my dope ass swag.

:} Fun-ness of the day.

Did you laugh?

You bet you did!

Kay, the song of the day is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ewTkrfaWtA which is Katy Perry singing  "Not Like The Movies". I love this song so much. It's adorable & makes me get those stupid butterflies in my stomach.

Anywho, so Remy is stuck in ISS for the next 3 days because she told off our teacher. :p Mr. Williams almost shit his pants when Rems called him a Fucking AssDucheCuntPrickDyke. xD It was amazing. It all started because they were talking about PEMDAS & she said "Please excuse my dope ass swag". ♥ I love her so so much.

Then my amazing boyfriend sang to me xD In the middle of freaken class, too! Haha, it was adorable. ♥ So again, another good day.

Well thats all dear friends!

Follow me on twitter! EllieMarieJones!

Xo, Ellie.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sexual Wednesday!

Gooooood afternoon all my amazing & beautiful readers out there.

So your probally a little shocked to see me so happy, but you shouldn't be! I've a very happy person. & I've almost never shown you that side! So here goes! ♥ :]

I had a wonderful day today, Remy wrote me a beautiful note & I had cheerleading practice next period. ♥ This is my free class, so I decided to blog to you guys & tell you how its going to far.

Chandler, my boyfriend, is wonderful, if you were wondering. ♥ He's back at school already! He's healing so quickly & is back to his hyper, adorable self.

Remy has a new boyfriend named Justin. No no, not Justin Bieber, he's quite suited with Selena Gomez, but a guy who is just as adorable as Bieber. ♥ And shes very happy which is great.

If your not already following me on twitter, go for it if you want a bunch of random shit, and updates about myself & Remy. My twitter is www.twitter.com/elliemariejones

Remy also has a Tumblr if your more of a Tumble person. ♥ Its www.remyliliana.tumblr.com.

And my personal facebook, which is www.facebook.com/stuckatage5 that I'm not on very much. :} Forgive me, please!!

But yeah! Connect to me. Chat me. Tweet me. Email me. WHATEVER PLEASES YOU.

♥ Love you guys!

Xoxo, Ellie Marie Jones.

Monday, September 5, 2011

I've been super busy on this day of Labor Day!
I've been tweeting and commenting and writing emails all day, trying to get the word of my blog OUT THERE! Its hard work, man! :p Plus, I have homework! If you guys wanna help get the word out! I'm treating this like my job, guys. Lets go! We can DO THIS!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Story Time:

Have I ever told the wonderful story of how I met the late great Isabella Marie Jones? No? Well here goes, its a real knee-slapper.

     So, I was still living in Hawaii. I was...15 way back then. Ellie was 14. So, I was working with my best friend Sasha at the "Aloha 'Oe", which was a surf shop. Yes, I know stereo-type, but whatever. :) Anyway, I was like 5 billion years behind on rent. And the "Kahuna"was going to kick my ass if I didn't pay. I said something along the lines of "What else can I do, Sash?" and a TINY LITTLE BLONDE CHICK randomally said "You can crash on my couch". She told me all about her Australian parents that sent her, her brother, and her sister away. I moved my ass from Hilo, Hawaii all the way to LA, California. And that's that! ♥

Great story, huh? Haha, I know. Kay, well bye!

Love, Remy. ♥

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I miss him, so. ♥

Time is never wasted when youre wasted all the time

I absolutely adore that quote. ♥

Anyway, I just wanted to drop a line & tell you all about my day. :) I'm sure you want to hear all about it.

I decided that life's too short & that you wan't spend it waiting around for people to understand you. You can't repeat yourself because by then it's pointless. :p

So I have a new out-take on life. From now on I'm going to kiss you when I want to, and I'm going to cry when I feel like it. I'm going to say what I want to, when I want to. And I'll even go on those super scary fast roller coaster rides.

I just thought I'd let you know.

Xo, Ellie Marie Jones.

Bucket List

So here is the official bucket list SO FAR:

1. Fall in love. 2. Get married. 3. Meet a porn-star. 4. Model in 17 Mag. 5. Ride a dirt bike. 6. Write a book. 7. Make a blog. 8. Work at a flea market. 9. Adopt a child. 10. Go to collage. 11. Design a shirt for Love Is Louder or NO H8. 12. Start a riot. 13. Bet on a horse race. 14. Break into a rehab center. 15. Break a bone. 16. Ride an elephant. 17. Meet a celebrity & ask them who there inspiration is. 18. Scare someone. 19. Get over my fear of heights. 20. Go to Italy. 21. Learn how to speak sign language fluently. 22. Work at Forever 21. 23. Speak in front of an audience of more then 299 people. 24. Scream as loud as I can. 25. Dress up as bat man & walk down the street.

If you only had one day to live, what would you do? Would you climb a mountain? Would you kiss the girl of your dreams? Would you tell someone how you really feel? Now, if you had a lifetime to live, Would you lose that drive? Or would your list keep getting longer?

What do you want to do before you die ?

Oh haiiiii.

     Oh hey there! :) So, I've been home for a while now & I got some homework done, then my friends & I decided to make another blog. I know its pretty insane, but we really want to make a difference out there in the world. We have so many things on our bucket list now. We're going to get it all done. Haha. We have so many issues with just staying friends & keeping in contact were going to make one blog for all 5 of us. :) So good luck reading that shit, bro.
     Just wanted to let you guys know whats up xD

Love, Remy. ♥
Good morning, sunshine! :]
     So it's 7am here in sunny LA. And I'm about to go on an adventure with Remy. Last night, we made a bucket list. And today were going to cross off the first thing. We're going to a flea market! Now, I know that sounds stupid, but were going to set up a booth & just sell our random shit. :] It's going to be so much fun. I'll take pictures & post them to Facebook. I just thought I'd tell you guys what we were going to do today. ♥ Haha.
     And Chandler is much better. He had his surgery last night & hes feeling great. So, that's why I'm going. :] Thank you to all of you who prayed for him.
     Kay, I've got to go get dressed guys. Read on my friends. I'll be back soon!

Xo, Ellie.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I am so tired. But again, I can't sleep. So I decided to tell you guys about the VMA's. Remy, Josie, Chandler, & I all went. It was so much fun. I met Lady Gaga, & I swear she was drunk but who the hell cares? And then, Beyonce was all like "I'm so beautiful here at the VMA's and OH, BTW, IM PREGNANT. Omigoodness, it was amazing. I was like crying and laughing at the same time. I'll have to post a video of that one day xD Cause I loved them. Kay, I just wanted to tell you guys that! Oh, and you'll notice you can now see my face in my photos. I know I'm gross. Get over it ;] Nah, Im kidding. I don't think I'm ugly. But I don't think I'm like Ariana Grande beautiful. I wish. ♥ Kay, love you guys. Thanks for reading. & Don't forget to comment!
Xo, Ellie.


     Omigoodness you poor blog, you. ♥ I've been so busy. I started school this week and its been so hectic. My boyfriend plays Varsity football and was in an awful accident & he is in the hospital about to go in for major back surgery. I'm sitting with him as we speak. I love him so & hes everything to me. (Please keep him in your prayers & thoughts while hes in this awful state.) Hes awake & everything, and he says it doesn't hurt, but I can tell it does. Hes trying to be brave for everyone. Sometimes I wish he wouldn't be so strong-minded. But that's one of the things I love about him. I love a lot about him. I'm so tired but I can't sleep because I'm so scared of missing something. And that's why Im blogging. If you want me to be easier to reach: I do have a twitter (twitter.com/elliemariejones), a facebook (http://www.facebook.com/stuckatage5), and Remy has a Tumblr and she posts a lot more then I do. ♥ (http://remyliliana.tumblr.com). Enough links for a while. I suppose maybe no one is reading this. Or maybe you are and now I've offended you. Either way, I'm sorry.
     I've been watching old timey movies here for a while now. I'm not sure why, but I love seeing how it was back then. In the 60's I mean. If I could go back to then I would. I just love seeing how they dressed & acted. It was all so dramatic. I wish so to live there. ♥
     Well now I've written too much. :] Lucky you, you get so much to read. Well, I guess I might be back on later. Maybe sometime this weekend. We've got a long weekend & Monday off. Haha.
     Thankyou all for reading.
          Love Always,

               Ellie Marie Jones ♥

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Remy Got A Tumblr! ♥


Everyone on Tumblr follow Remy to get constant posts from me && Remy!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Now that I got your attention, go check out http://remyliliana.tumblr.com/

Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Here’s to the girls: That keep a smile even though they’re going through hell. That keep their head high, even though they’d rather be elsewhere. That give amazing advice, but can’t seem to follow it themselves. That can make anyone laugh, but herself. Here’s to them.

    All you need is love. ♥ :}

     Hi there my beautiful buggies! ♥ You all must be wondering, like, "What the fuck are you doing Ellie! Where the fuck have you been lately!" Haha, I've been around, actually. I just got back from my amazing trip to France with my beautiful family and now I'm getting ready for back to school :p It'll be my 10th grade year and I'm so excited! Goodbye Freshman Ellie hellllllo new Ellie. :) But for now I'm killing off my last few weeks of summer with my friends. ♥ I have to say, everyone wants to grow up so fast, but I'm fine being a teenager, in my high-heels and make-up. My hair straightened and laughing too loud :) ♥ Haha. Now, I leave you with all my love and a few photos. ♥ Haha.

    Xoxo, Ellie.

    Ps. Don't forget to tell your friends guys! And, oh, there is a comment box below! Tell me what you think (Good or bad!) And any ideas you have for me :) I love feedback!

    Pss. Don't forget to also follow me on Twitter and Facebook! :)

    Monday, August 15, 2011


    Hello all my amazing blog-reading loves. I hope your all feeling well today :) I am. If your a great friend and you follow me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/#!/EllieMarieJones) then you know I'm enjoying Paris verrrry much. Its soo beautiful here and I never want to go home :) Haha. The Eiffel Tower is as beautiful as ever and our hotel is amazing. Its really nice to be here with just my brother and sister. Tomorrow Aden and I are going to Disney in the morning and its so exciting :) I went to the Le Camelia cafe and it is so spectacular. ♥ Annnnd I've got to get off because its getting annoying to type. I'll maybe bloggg later this week. :) I've been soo busy. And with that, I shall drop a quote: "Don't Judge a Book by its cover unless the book is a Fucking Annoying Bitch who needs to Be High Fived in the Face with a Chair!" 
    Haha. Love you guys. Be sure to tell your friends about me and my little blog over here :) Thanks. It means a lot!

    Love, Ellie. ♥

    Saturday, August 13, 2011

    "I'm young" Is an excuse to do most things.

    Sorry for not being here AGAIN. I just get so busy. But I tweet a lot. More then I need to, actually :) Oops.
    Oh, excuse me, my cat sneezed.
    Anyway, I have a problem. :( Are you surprised? :p I want to die my hair and go to Paris. ;) What do you guys think? Me. As a brunette. But not for, like, ever. Just a while. And yeah, my next stop is Paris :) I am soo psyched. Thats that. :) Haha. I'll post when I get bored later. :) ♥
    Love, Ellie.

    Wednesday, August 10, 2011

    Hello after 7 years :) ♥

    So I'm really sorry about leaving you, my poor blog friends :) Haha. But I'm glad you missed me :) Im back in LA eating my amazing sweet & sour Twizzlers :) Haha. Summer is hot as ever but the boys seem to have gone away :p Umm, I got a Twitter! Welcome to the 21st century. ;) Here it is: http://twitter.com/#!/EllieMarieJones. And yes, I do update more then I should ;) Haha. Anyway, I'm back at home with my amazing sister and my amazing little brother. :) And Aaden is offically 13 today ♥ Hes so adorable haha. It's crazy to think how old hes getting. Okay, well I am going to his birthday party right now, but I promise to finish my thoughts when I get back. Oh, and Remy will be here :) ♥
    Love always, Ellie. (I decided I dont like Bella, I like Ellie ;)

    Monday, August 1, 2011

    Summer ♥

    The best part about summer is summer love. Bella is less of a flirt, but I love just being all over the place. If you think Im a slut...Well, I really can't argue but I don't give a damn about what you think. Im happy with who I am, and I love myself. I just like boys. Is that so bad? :) Haha. Alright, so I met the most wonderful (and tan) but named Aalona. ♥ He is so adorable and we went surfing together. Thinking of maybe getting a new tattoo? :) Just to celebrate Hawaii. ♥ It is so amazing. Seriously. Haha. Well I guess thats all. Haha.
    Love you, boo. ♥ Remy.


    Hi beautiful people :) ♥ So Hawaii is the most beautiful place, like, ever.  Like really, its like a fucking paradise. ♥  I could live here forever. Me and Remy went surfing, and the water here is so beautiful. I could swim forever. We had Calamari, it is SO good. In case you didn't know, I love Calamari. Its my favorite food and I eat it all the time. Yes, I know its squid. Get over it, its fantastic. :P Okay, so Im in my bathing suit but I just had to tell you guys that Hawaii is so amazing. Seriously. :) ♥ Have fun doing whatever the fuck your doing, bro. Cause my ass will be surfing!

    Sunday, July 31, 2011

    Hello, Hawaii ♥

    So, I've been in Hawaii for only a few hours and its already amazing. I got to speak to my idol, Jedda Zlatos. Shes so sweet :) And major bad-ass. :) ♥ She's into traveling, too, from what I can tell. That picture right there is me & Remy freaking out when we found her & she answered us :) Its aw so funny! So it's 6, so were grabbing some calamari then going SURFING :) So psyched. I'll write when I get back, I promise.

    Xoxo, Bella.

    Where to fine me, Bella. ♥

    1 personal one to add me on: http://www.facebook.com/stuckatage5

    1 page for you to like: http://www.facebook.com/stuckatage5#!/pages/Stuck-At-Age-5/238687712828515

    I might make a Twitter or anything else :) Whatever. ♥
    Hey guys. Im so sorry I've been gone for so long, but I decided to go to Mexico last minute. ♥ So that is where I am. With my BOYFRIEND! Ep! Oh, hes amazing, and sweet. :) Of course there's no drinking involved! ;) That would be bad!
    Haha. Remy and I have been doing a lot of shopping and swimming and relaxing which is amazing. We go out every night, I feel like we aren't sleeping. Now, for the first time EVER, Remy had issues so she wants to write. Alright? Alright.

    Xo ♥, Bella.

    Hi guys. So I've never written on here so its awkward, but there are so many hot guys here in Mexico. ♥ And I've fallen...FOR TWO GUYS! I really need help here. There both amazing. One is named Javi. He's so sweet and amazingly hot and super sexy. Hes such a bad-ass and I love it. ♥ He has a motorcycle! Ep. And the other guys name is Jose. He's adorable and sweet and he has a Ferrari. ♥ It's hot. I can't decided. So for now, I rotate every night. UGH. Guys help. Or, actually, girl. Theres one girl following, WHO IM A FAN OF. ♥ Her name is Jedda. Shes such an amazing model. ♥ If your reading this, please let me know. Im like in LOVE with you! ♥

    Love You! ~ Remy.

    Tuesday, July 26, 2011

    I love this. I just..Love Rockstars. :) They make me happy. I just took this so Im very hyper right now, and I feel kind of bad for not being here for a while. So, here goes. :) Today I went to the beach and it was amazing, as usual. ♥ Beaches make me feel sexy. Want to see a picture? Of corse you do. I love those sun glasses :) ♥ They are my favorite. Okay, as exciting as my day has been I need to talk to you guys. For real. So I am single and all that great stuff and I dont understand why people dont like being single. Its amazing! You can like make out with anyone you want to! Or dance with whoever. ♥ Its great. I mean, I love this feeling. :)
     I met an amazing guy who I now consider my very close friend and here is a picture of us..chillin'. :) Hehe. ♥  Hes a cutie, isn't he? Haha, maybe theres a something there :) ♥ I hope so. Hes a sweetheart, too. ♥ Were hanging out later tonight and hopefully tomrrow. Any advise on how to keep it going and keep it safe from falling in love?
    Thanks :) ♥ Bella.

    Saturday, July 23, 2011

    Heels are proof of how strong women are.
    Marrage is proof of how strong men are.
    Love is proof of how strong teenagers are.
    Booboos are proof of how strong kids are.


    I really cant believe this. Amy Winehouse died. They won't
    release to the press her cause of death. But woah. She will
    be so missed. She was amazing. She had a lot of talent. We
    love you Amy <3
    Please comment? Thanks buggie.
    This is for the girls who don’t always win. The girls who stay up all night listening to music that inspires them. The girls that laugh, smile, cry and think all on a daily basis. The girls who love, learn and regret. The girls who may never have it easy. The girls who learn the hard way to live and tell about it. The real girls.
    So this is my unpacking-ess. Cool isnt it? I think it sure is. :) Haha. BUT Im glad to be home but my jetlag is so crazy. Trying to think of what I should do today. Beach? I think so. Oh how I missed LA. :) Okay, well I'll leave then. 

    Friday, July 22, 2011

    Lets play a game :)

    K. Whats in your purse? :) Haha.
    Heres whats in mine:
    So, I just had my heart shatterd. And it sucks.

    But Ima be like a Skyscraper. You won't see me cry.

    Im ready for anything you throw at me.
    <- This is me leaving the airport this morning. At 5am. I already miss New York. But Im back in California. Its hot. Very very hot out.

    You know what I've always wondered? Okay, to let you know, I have to explain. See, the more times you have sex, the bigger your vagina gets, so why do guys want to have sex with the whores? Like really!

    Here are some FUN FACTS about sex:

    1. If a guy eats a pineapple, his sperm tastes like pineapple.
    2. With that in mind, if a guy eats artechoke, it tastes like artechoke.
    3. If you have anal sex and then sneeze, you shit out blood.
    Dear Mankind,
    Please invent a  way to put on your jeans without messing up your nail polish.
    Sincerely, Girlkind.

    Wednesday, July 20, 2011

    Good Morning, New York

    Ahh New York in the morning. I love just waking up here, seeing all the beautiful-ness and shit around me, its amazing. Then, of corse, I remember its morning time and I get all bitchy cause I hate mornings. But, more or less, New York is beautiful in the morning. I love this place. Im going home soon, which makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry, but I do miss home. Me and Jere are going on a walk in Central Park today, then I'll let you know what else we decide to do :) I'll be back later! Xoxo.

    Tuesday, July 19, 2011

     Miley Cyrus

    "I like being the girl nobody can have."

    "You can't stop people from talking about you, but you can stop giving them something to talk about." 

    "Beauty is the enemy . We try to conquer not feeling beautiful all our lives. It's a battle that can't be won. There's no definition of beauty. The only way to achieve beauty is to feel it from inside without breaking down into individual physical attributes" 

    Fighting with myself.

    So, I fell in love with this man;
    This, my friends, is Jeff Dunham. And I've been watching some of his movies on Comedy Central, and I love him! His acts are so fucking funny. Check him out, for real. I swear you'll laugh.

    A Little Late

    Gosh Golly Mrs. Dolly, Im a little late today. And hungry, there's food waiting for me downstairs, but I swore I'd write before I ate. So here I am.(:

    So today I saw Spider Man, Turn Off The Dark. And now I understand how so many people get hurt! I liked it, and it was funny and interesting, but all the stunts. I was awesome! Dude, like no shit, no lies, honest to God, this was so amazing, ugh. I loved it.

    This was the second musical I've seen here in New York. I also saw Wicked, and let's be real here, I loved it.(: Haha. Its Wicked for God's sake, its going to be amazing.

    But I promise Im not here to be a critic, Im just telling all you beautiful people about my trip. I might write in a little while, post a cool picture or a quote. Or both, who knows how I'll feel(;

    Monday, July 18, 2011


    Well. Awkward. So now that I made this whole blog, but now I have no idea how to get people to read this. If you have ideas (my dear imaginary best friend) please let me know. Ugh. Its raining. And I'm bored. Who knows what I should do now. (: Love you guys.

    Ps. If you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?

    I decided I should probably make myself up a name. I like the name Bella. So, from here fourth, I am Bella. And no, my best friend's name isn't really Remy and my boy friend's name isn't really Jeremiah. Get over it, I don't want you stalking me.

    Well, hello!

    Ello, mate.
    Just kidding, I wish I was Australian, I bet I'd have a lot more views.
    Especially considering I have 0 right now(: Haha.
    So, I was on Facebook and I was going through my friend's pictures and she has a lot of quotes, so I decided to make a blog. Okay, I cut out a lot of that story, but whatever. I want us to be friends, me & you. Okay? Okay good deal. Now, some things you need to know about me:
    I had my first kiss at 15, today to be specific. I'm short and I like it that way, if you don't..Well I don't really care.(: I'm a blonde, that is true. I won't lie to you, so here is my promise that I will be 100% truthful to anyone reading this.
    And if there is no one reading this..well that's proof to all the people who said I couldn't write. A.k.a, no one. You see, when I was little I wanted to be a writer. You know, books and all that shit. And I'd come up with good ideas, but I could never finish them. So, I have short stories about spies and animals and romantic stories. You name it, I've tried to write it. But, eventually I would just give up because I have "Writer's A.D.D" Sounds made up, huh? Well it is. But you get the point. When I write something I get a better idea and forget the old one and move on to the new one. Ah, I don't care. I'm having fun doing what I do.
    It's summer vacation and I'm goofing off here in New York with my boyfriend Jeremiah, my best friend Remy,  and my family.
    So, welcome to me, I guess.(: